Tanky Champions:
For those of you looking for Nasus or Renekton masteries, this set will likely fit the bill, once again opting for the Feast mastery. Although it's really not a major game-changer, for a mere 2 mastery points, it's got some sick benefits.
Swap around the armor/magic resist masteries to best suit your laning opponent. Armor is always a better bet if you're not sure who you're up against.
Special Defense Tree Skills
This isn't bad if you're up against a champion that you know will probably rush infinity edge, like Caitlyn. However, definitely don't bother getting it if you're up against an AD carry like Ezreal or even Vayne, who will likely rush Blade of the Ruined King, making this a completely wasted talent.
DEFINITELY get Reinforced Armor against Tryndamere though!
Getting a point in Evasive against an AOE heavy comp's not a bad idea either. Just take out the point from Magic resist.
Writer : Hamza Badra
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